Horizontal Rule
Sometimes the separation of page segments by space is not clear enough. Then we can add this layout element as an explicit visual separation.
*** or ---
The horizontal rule is depicted by three asterisks or three hyphens at the beginning of a line. We may separate the characters by one space: * * *
or - - -
or indent them by up to three spaces. No other characters are allowed to follow on the same line.
Jumping hay dwarves flock quartz box. Just poets wax boldly as kings and queens march over fuzz. Painful zombies quickly watch a jinxed graveyard. Cozy lummox gives smart squid who asks for job pen.
JCVD might pique a sleazy boxer with funk. Have a pick: twenty-six letters — no forcing a jumbled quiz! Blowzy red vixens fight for a quick jump. Jack fox bids ivy-strewn phlegm quiz.
We can also emphasize a hero quote with surrounding rules:
By Jove, my quick study of lexicography won a prize. Few black taxis drive up major roads on quiet hazy nights. Show mangled quartz flip vibe exactly. Quick wafting zephyrs vex bold Jim. J. Fox made five quick plays to win the big prize.
— Z. Bubblebrox